Masso Institute is Moving to Serangoon Gardens

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If you haven't already heard, this is a quick announcement to inform you that the Masso Institute Clinic will be moving on the 15th March (2019).

This message is to all my clients, business partners, suppliers, patients and doctors.

For my clients

Please collect your orders before the first week of March, and if you have any outstanding items or issues, please clear them up with us before we move, as things might get lost or misplaced in the move.

To our patients

Please have your garment orders organized and ready by then. We'll need some time to have them made, so if you need garments soon, please order them now so they will be ready in plenty of time. Please make sure to collect all completed and outstanding garments by the first week of March.

We will be taking a break for a week in March for the move, so during this time there are no therapy services available. Please organize and schedule appointments ahead of time.

About the Move

The team from Masso will be following me back to Serangoon Gardens, so please rest easy knowing there is no change to our services, standards, quality or devices used. All our suppliers and partners will also remain the same. Only the location is changing.

If you are a patient now, and Serangoon Gardens is more convenient for you, that is great! We look forward to seeing you soon...

For those whom the PoMo clinic was the more favourable location, please inform me so that I can provide you with a referral for a suitable therapist or health practitioner near you.

For any other information or concerns you have with the move, please contact our admin office, so that we can do our best to help you.


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the years of support! We've been in this business for 22 years now, stronger and better than ever, as all our experience has followed us through the years. We thank you for being so understanding, and we're sorry for interrupting your therapy sessions. We apologize that we also have to temporarily pause classes whilst we adjust to our new home and settle in. I promise you that we will be back to our usual business, and we'll be better in Serangoon Gardens where we have a more relaxed pace, I hope!

On a personal note, thank you for your love, your support, your understanding, and all you've given me—I could not be more blessed! And I wish all of you good health and management always. It's always been our company policy to keep everyone as well and independent as possible; please help us to help you!

Thank you and God bless,

— Veronica